Story – One Plan to Rule Them All

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A short intro by Ready – this story was NOT written by myself. It was by Ragnarok385  who lent a hand on the dialog and behind the scenes scripting for some of the later Growth Labs. I wanted to put this story out for your enjoyment and let you see the previously unpublished things we were working behind the scenes.

Feedback is welcome of course but please use your common sense and civility. Critical comments are always welcome whereas simply complaining and snarky comments are not. This is a small community folks and you get nothing from tearing people down. 

One Plan to Rule Them All story by Ragnarok385 – first published 2015.04.15

“No, no, no, no, no!”

“Why not? What’s wrong with it?” Kaito said looking at Hannah who was shaking her head.

“Because it doesn’t make any sense,” Hannah began, “It’s dangerous, and most importantly­—”

“Let me guess,” Kaito said rolling his eyes, “I came up with it.”

“I was going to say ‘I don’t want to do it’ but I guess that’s just as true.”

“You can’t hate me forever.”

“Oh really?” Hannah said raising her eyebrow, “I’ve been doing good so far haven’t I?”

“Because you were a whole ocean away, put in charge of a top secret government task force, which was basically like Hitler’s SS… Alright so that’s a little exaggerated,” Kaito said watching Hannah’s eyes narrow, “but my point still stands. You were pre-occupied so you never had time to really think about me, about—”

“Don’t you even think about saying ‘us,’ I had plenty of time to think about ‘us’ after you left me standing at the altar.” She held up a finger to silence Kaito as his mouth opened to say something, “I don’t care what stupid excuse you had or what silly mission they were sending you on that you couldn’t tell me about then. I can order you to tell me if I wanted to, but I don’t care anymore about that. We’re over.”

“Um…am I interrupting something?”

Hannah spun on her heel to see Alexander standing in the doorway, now wearing the tattered jeans and a Pacific Rim T-shirt. He looked like a child who had just walked in on his parents fighting, but sheepishly wanted to ask a question. “Give us a minute; we’re almost done in here.”

“Alright I just wanted to say that Luna and I are ready to move.”

Hannah nodded and watched as Alexander closed the door and turned back to face Kaito, “That’s what you were going to say wasn’t it?”

Kaito, for all his bagging on Hannah, put on a soft smile his hand falling gently on Hannah’s shoulder, “Look Hannah, you’re pretty wound up, you don’t have to be a shrink to see that right now. But what you need to realize is that you don’t need to do this all alone. I know you don’t want to listen to me, hell I’m surprised you even swallowed your pride enough to come find me.” Kaito said. His eyes, those emerald green eyes that hypnotized Hannah all those years ago, looked at her now with the same compassion and understanding she had seen all those times before. “But even the best Generals need help sometimes,” and then his stupid smile crept onto his face, “And a lot of luck.”

Shaking her head Hannah reached up and took hold of Kaito’s hand in her own, giving it a gentle squeeze of affection, “Sometimes I forget that you know me better than anyone.” Then she pinched the skin on Kaito’s knuckle watching him yelp a little in surprise. “But that doesn’t mean I have to listen to you for my advice.”

“You know it’s not a bad plan.” Kaito said once more.

“Alright, I’ll see what Luna thinks, since it’s going to be her ass on the line.” Hannah said turning towards the door.

“Don’t you mean her tits?”

Hannah turned and shot Kaito an icy glare, “Don’t make me kill you before we leave this room.”

“What makes you think you can?” Kaito said his eyes gleaming once more.

And for once, Hannah had to hand it to him, he has a point there. Shaking her head she turned back to the door and opened it to the street beyond, knowing full well Kaito had that same wry smile on his face that she both hated and loved so much.

“Alright…run that by me one more time.”

“Jesus Christ, how the hell did you make it into the spy corps if you can’t even understand one simple briefing?” Hannah said exasperated.

“Well, what you guys are saying doesn’t make any sense is all.” Alexander said looking towards Kaito and Luna for help. Only Kaito seemed to take any pity on him, but even that was quickly wearing thin. “You guys are talking like, Star Trek stuff right now.” Pointing to Luna, “you just told me that you had some top secret experimental space station,” and turning to Hannah, “and you’re apparently in charge of some special concentration camp Nazi like stuff—”

“Why does everyone compare what I do to Nazis!” Hannah shouted.

Kaito chuckled softly until Alexander turned to point his way, “and this guy, Kaito, clearly his head isn’t on right because he actually considered marrying you at one point. But when it comes down to it, your job is the only one I even remotely understand.”

“So what don’t you understand?” Luna asked calmly from her corner of the room they were now occupying. It was apparently not uncommon for foreigners to stay and hold meetings at the various bars in this section of town. Although, Kaito had told them that was due to the large number of drug deals that took place using the American money that flowed through these streets. And the bartender hadn’t so much as batted an eyelash in their direction when the foursome pushed into one of the back rooms without so much as a nod towards any of the patrons.

“So if you two are infected with this super secret genetic mutation that causes you to both grow to enormous sizes why the hell haven’t I seen any of this?” Then, turning to Luna, “Especially since you can’t control it completely, and are apparently holding enough of this ‘energy’ to destroy your own space station.”

“Well the amount of energy still hasn’t been technically quantified,” Luna said in response, “but I would imagine that it’s enough to do what you just said.”

“Luna you were big enough to cause an eclipse here on Earth in some places,” Kaito said laughing, “I’d say quantity is out of the question.”

“So then why do you even think your plan is going to work?” Hannah chimed in from her corner. She was leaning back into the corner of the room her eyes fixed intently on Kaito.

“I would have to agree with Hannah on this one,” Luna said nodding. “we should focus on containment protocol and determine the number of portable units required from the Luxembourg to siphon off the excess energy.”

“Look at you two,” Kaito said trying to hold back his laughter, “you just said that the amount of energy you hold is un-quantified and you still want to try and contain it? You two are looking at this the wrong way.”

“And what are you suggesting Kaito?” Alexander asked.

“I’m saying you let it loose.”

The room was silent for a minute before Alexander finally spoke up again, “Wait a minute…didn’t you just say she caused an ECLIPSE!? And you want to release whatever that is here, on Earth…Are you nuts?!”

“See even Alexander thinks you’re insane here.” Hannah said looking to Kaito with her i-told-you-so eyes. “And he was the only one I was sure you could convince.”

“Look, you may not understand it, and it may not sound logical right now, but I’ve kept tabs on your work back in the states Hannah. One of the first things I—”

“Those files are top secret, not even you should have clearance that high Kaito.” Hannah said incredulously.

“Well, I may have borrowed them for some light reading.”

“You don’t just ‘borrow’ things from the NSA Kaito.”

“Well, let’s just say that I did and leave it at that, alright?” Kaito grinned another wry grin that told Hannah he once again had the upper hand, as he usually does, she reminded herself.

“So like I was saying, I’ve done my homework on your little mutation, and it seems to me like there are only a few types of unique mutations. The primary one that you were dealing with,” Kaito said pointing to Hannah, “was the Furihara sisters, who act like energy generators. As long as they remain in an area they continually give off energy causing others who are normally inert to absorb it. They also continually feed off these now active people to generate more energy thus perpetually accelerating their own growth leading to the use of the Luxembourg to essentially drain the entire area.”

Hannah nodded slightly in agreement with Kaito’s synopsis and watched as he then turned to Luna to continue. “At the same time, Luna you’re attempting to recreate the mutation seen within the Furihara sisters using scientific means with the help of Dr. Lee’s research. Unfortunately, despite your best efforts you were unable to recreate a true generator as eventually they burned out and their energy ‘dissipated.’ At the time you assumed you had failed, but in reality your proximity to the generator reacted with your dormant capacitor ability and led to a complete absorption of all their energy.”

“We still don’t know that is in fact what happened aboard the Luxembourg.” Luna said flatly. “I was never able to confirm my own computer’s diagnosis.”

“Fair enough, you’re a scientist I get that,” Kaito said, “but really are you going to turn away from the results just because they aren’t repeatable?”

“It shouldn’t be considered scientific fact until it’s reproducible.” Luna said calmly.

Shaking his head Kaito sighed, “Alright, then I’m going to propose something here, let’s ASSUME that my hypothesis is correct.” Kaito looked around at Luna who was rolling her eyes, “it stands to reason that you are a collection unit for this energy, a giant bucket if you like.” He said looking to Alexander who hid his face, the embarrassment that he knew it was directed at him was clear to everyone. And Kaito continued, “The only way to empty a full bucket is to tip it over.”

“Or poke a hole in it.” Hannah said from her corner. Everyone turned to look at her as she simply shrugged, “Well you asked…but I’m not suggesting putting a hole in Luna.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time you tried.” Luna muttered from her chair before turning to face Kaito. “So what you’re suggesting is that I let all my energy that I’ve been storing out and then what? I tried that with the Luxembourg, it didn’t work.”

“But it didn’t work, pardon my using the bucket analogy, because what you did could be likened to throwing a bucket filled with water into the air, only you held onto the bucket and then caught most of the water.” Kaito looked around at the blank faces and shook his head. “Uh, how else do I try to explain this…”

“So what you’re saying is the reason Luna can’t release her energy like everyone else is because she’s always there to take it back again?” Alexander piped up.

“YES! That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Kaito said pointing to the young man. “Look the reason you can’t dissipate the energy is because you’re like a sponge sitting in a pool of water. At first you absorb all the water, to the saturation point, then someone squeezes you out to get rid of all the water—”

“Alright enough of the analogies already,” Hannah said from her corner. “We get what you’re trying to say. Luna can’t be around once she discharges her energy or she’ll just absorb it all again.”

“But that poses a problem since I am not like Schrodinger’s cat.” Luna said smirking, “I can’t be in two places at once, which is essentially what you’re proposing. You want me to be there, and then not there at the same time.”

Everyone around the room fell silent for a little bit before Alexander muttered, “I have to agree with Luna here. I don’t see how you’re going to do this.”

Kaito sighed, “You guys are all Debbie-downers.” Then with a twinkle in his eye he said, “We’ll use the subway system.”

“I still can’t believe you convinced them to do this.”

“It really wasn’t all that difficult,” Kaito said as he pulled alongside the curb parking his newly acquired BMW with ease. “Luna is very easy to convince. You just have to lay all the facts out logically enough, and she’ll do whatever ends up making the most sense.” Then Kaito gestured to the car he and Alexander were sitting in, “Just like this car.”

“Not sure I follow you there.” Alexander said.

“Easy, you and I needed a vehicle, we didn’t have a vehicle, so we acquired a vehicle.”

“Stole is more like it.”

“You’re arguing semantics at this point.” Kaito said waving Alexander off, “And besides it’s technically mine anyways.”

“Technically yours?”

“It’s a long story.”

“Never mind then,” Alexander said seeing that same grin he had become used to seeing on Kaito’s face when the man knew more than he let on. It was the same look Alexander had seen on most of the proctors of his exams in The Academy. “So that’s Luna, but how’d you convince Hannah?”

“Oh, I know her well enough to get her to see things my way.”

“Right, and that must’ve worked well for you after you left her standing at the altar.” Alexander said trying to find some sort of chink in this man’s infallible armor. If I didn’t already know he was a top spy, I would have guessed it on my own. I just can’t get a bead on him, it’s like he’s got no tells–

“Yes, well, that was more Hannah’s fault then mine.” Kaito said sighing, “But to answer your question, at her heart Hannah loves Democracy more than anything. So you give her a choice and vote on it, majority rules. For all her bravado, she hates to go it alone,” then turning again to Alexander, “which is probably why she hates having to lead the two of you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Alexander said, a mixture of embarrassment and  anger rising to his face.

“She sees that she’s been paired with the only person she ever considered a rival in Luna, and a kid fresh out of The Academy, and a SPY no less. She probably sees you as more than useless, since she sees me as useless, and no offense kid but I’m way beyond your skill set.”

“No offense taken,” Alexander said shrugging. “But why exactly does that make me useless?”

“Ask her some day about her days right after The Academy,” Kaito said turning to look out the window, “maybe she’ll tell you about it, maybe she won’t, but she’s had to make some tough choices. And some of them she really wished went differently…” Kaito’s voice trailed off for a moment before he seemed to regain his composure and lowered his right hand to the shifter. “Alright kid, show time.”

Alexander looked out of his window and saw the clock strike 18:03 and he turned towards the mobile energy device sitting in his lap. “You sure this is going to work?”

“Heck no.” Kaito said, smiling as he put his foot down on the accelerator pushing both of them back into their seats. “But at least if what you’ve all been telling me is true, we’ll get quite the show either way.”

Alexander could only shake his head as he watched the blips on the machine in front of him, a blue one for Luna, and a white one for Hannah, begin to move along with the car. Within seconds it was up to speed and outpacing the car, but Alexander could still track the two distinct signals which he knew to be Hannah and Luna other than his own at the epicenter of the radar. But if Kaito’s plan works there’s going to be a lot more of these very soon.

(author note brackets [] indicate conversations in Mandarin)

Natalie could hear her friends talking to her, quite well really considering the number of people on the train this morning. But that still didn’t stop her from blocking them out trying to rationalize what she had just seen. There was no way that woman was real… she found herself contemplating, her hands absently moving to her chest.

“[Geez Tali, you thinking about that woman too?]”

“[We were just talking about her,]” said another of the girls sitting around Natalie, “[you’d think if she was trying to smuggle watermelons she’d pick something less obvious.]”

“[You think it was watermelons Kit?]” said the first girl, “[more like beach balls. Those things were huge.]”

“[C’mon Jasmine,]” Natalie said turning to the first girl, “[is it so hard to believe that she really was that big up there? I mean look at Kit,]” She said gesturing to the second girl, “[She’s got what a G cup and she’s barely over a meter and a half tall.]”

“[Ya but she’s Kit,]” Jasmine said looking towards the darkened shade separating them from the forward car.

“[Hey what’s that supposed to mean?]” Kitara said standing and putting her hands on her hips. “[just because we don’t all have the perfect bronze skin and curves that you have Jasmine doesn’t mean–]”

“Here we go again,” Natalie muttered to herself in English knowing that neither of her two friends would pick up on her absence from the conversation anytime soon. When her parents had decided to move to China from Russia she, well I don’t know what I was expecting really, Natalie thought to herself. But it certainly wasn’t this. Her first day here three years ago had landed her in a classroom full of either immigrants like herself, or just plain old misfits. And both Jasmine and Kitara certainly fit both of those to a T.

She contemplated butting into their argument; especially since she knew how it was going to end. Kitara, being a short and curvy Korean, would start making fun of Jasmine for lack of accentuated curves. At the same time, Jasmine, graceful and lithe with her provocative demeanor, would insult Kitara’s birthmark on this side of her face all the while condemning her for her “fat” lifestyle. But Natalie simply sat there, knowing full well that this was how her friends were. And for all the trouble these two get into, they’d go to war for me.

Although, that didn’t quite excuse the insults that sometimes got thrown her way. Natalie sighed audibly looking down at her body, clothes clinging loosely to her curves. If you could call them that, she insulted herself and it stung a little, but she’d learned to live with it. She rarely wore a bra out anymore, today was the rare exception, but apart from her long blonde hair, there was rarely anything all that remarkable about her appearance–Well that’s not exactly true, she chided herself. Not every day you see a girl nearly two meters tall. Although in her mind that made it all the more ridiculous, but she couldn’t argue that she was an oddity of sorts.

“[Fine be that way!]”

“[I will!]”

Natalie was jarred out of her self-reflection as both Kitara and Jasmine crashed onto the seats on either side of her. “[Don’t put me in between the two of you. I want to make it home in one piece.]”

“[She started it.]” Kitara said like a child sticking her tongue out at Jasmine.

“[Oh grow up.]” Jasmine said, folding her arms across her chest and slamming backwards into the seat.

“Sometimes I wonder how we all got to be friends.” Natalie said shaking her head.

“[You know we can’t speak English that well Tali,]” Jasmine said turning her glare on Natalie, “[you got something to say, say it so we can understand.]”

“[Maybe if you took your English lessons seriously you’d understand her.]” Kitara piped up from the other side of Natalie.

“[Like you understood her.]”

“[I did–]”

“[Then what did she say?]”

“[Well…I mean, she said it really fast–]”

“[Ha! Maybe you should pay better attention then–]”

Natalie sighed in relief as the train ground to a halt at the station and streams of people began to pour in effectively silencing her warring friends. Now maybe I’ll have some peace and quiet amidst all these people, Natalie thought taking a deep breath. As she exhaled she found her mind drifting back to the woman at the first stop she had seen and for some reason, she could not get her out of her head. Maybe that’s why I suddenly feel like this bra is really itchy and warm, she chuckled a little, compared to her I’m a lot more than inadequate.

“Alright looks like we just hit the first real big stop.” Hannah said turning to Luna. “You sure about this?”

“As much as I hate to admit it,” Luna said looking down into her lap her hands absently turning the ring on her finger, “Kaito may have come up with the best solution given the current situation.”

“I still can’t believe you agreed to this.”

“I can assure you that had any other more scientific method existed I would have preferred that.”

“I was merely thinking about the ‘safe’ part of this whole thing,” Hannah said shrugging, “but sure, scientific absolutely what I was thinking too.”

“Stop teasing me Hannah,” Luna said looking up from her lap, “You know what I meant.”

“I did,” Hannah said turning back to face the blackout glass to the next car. It was the optical glass that allowed people on one side to look through as though it were a window, but the other side appeared reflective. “But I also know you well enough to know you meant scientific too.”

Luna chuckled nervously and sighed, “You’re right again, I would love to study the effect this has on a large population. But I doubt I’m going to be in much shape to do anything in a little while.” The two women, one standing, one sitting, stayed silent for a short while.

“It is quite the rush isn’t it?” Hannah said softly, almost hesitantly.

Luna shivered a little, whether in excitement or nervousness, she wasn’t sure. “Yes, it is a…pleasurable experience.”

“I remember when I first encountered the Furihara sisters and felt the first dose of it.” Hannah said looking down at her hands. “The feeling, it was unlike anything I’d ever felt. It was almost like–”

“An endless orgasm?”

Hannah looked up from her hands and silently shook her head in agreement. “It’d been so long since I’d been with a man or even alone enough to remember the feeling.”

“The life of a soldier is a lonely one I’m told.” Luna said looking up from her lap. “The life of a scientist too for that matter.”

“You know all you had to do was flash any of those guys up there and they would have come running.”

“It’s not that easy…for me anyways.” Luna said turning away, “I’m sure it wouldn’t have been too hard for you either after Kaito. You probably had them lining up outside the barracks.”

Hannah chuckled half heartedly, “I never thought I’d be talking sexual exploits with you Luna.” Then she sighed, “but if you must know, yes they were lining up. But I…well, I wasn’t interested. After Kaito left me I just felt…broken, unwanted.” A tear ran down her face and onto her hands in her lap. “You must think I’m stupid acting like this when I had men lining up to take his place.”

“It must have been hard to bring him back to help us.” Luna said quietly. “I never realized he meant that much to you.”

“I never let anyone know.” Hannah said sniffing and wiping her face before looking up at Luna again. “I took a page from your book and buried myself in my work.”

Luna smirked and let out a sigh. “Never thought I’d be your role model.”

“You’re not trust me,” Hannah said with a smile. “As a matter of fact it was hard to focus on any one thing until I stumbled onto your research project. The first time I got exposed to the HEG-12 virus was like something…I don’t know woke up inside me. It was like there was another me in there, one that I’d repressed and now she finally got a chance to come out.” Shaking her head laughing, “You probably think I’m crazy Luna. Me rattling on about–”

“I saw her too.”


“I had that same feeling the first time I accepted that I was exposed to the virus.” Luna said remembering the woman sitting in the pond of warm clear water. “I know what you mean, and how liberating it feels to let yourself go.” Luna smiled back at Hannah. “Which is why I’m glad you’re here to keep me in check so I don’t go overboard.”

“Can’t have you doing all the growing.” Hannah said, “But I suppose a little couldn’t hurt.” Looking back to the train car next to her she then looked back to Luna, “Looks like it’s show time. Are you ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” Luna said as she shrugged out of her sweatshirt letting her enormous breasts fall against her chest. “Go ahead and engage the shielding, I doubt it will do much, but at least it will stop me from seeing anyone out there that I want to go ravage.”

“And what’s to say you won’t see something in here?” Hannah said with a smirk.

“Who says I won’t?” Luna said taking off her shorts and standing naked in the center of the room.

“Why’d you lose the clothes?”

“Just because I’m a scientist doesn’t mean I can’t be practical.” Luna said with a sly smile. “I want something to wear when this is all over. Not all of us can wear anything off the shelf and be decent in public.”

“Touché.” Hannah said pushing a button and pulling her own shirt off over her head. As she did so the train car seemed to whir and hum, then plate shielding fell into place over all the windows and doors with a clang of metal on metal. “Nice of Kaito to get us the presidential car.”

“Let’s try and give it back to him.” Luna said taking a deep breath and focusing on that pool of warmth deep inside her mind.

It was different being on a train car even in this small city when she’d lived the majority of her life in the cold north in the outskirts of Moscow. Not that while she was there she considered it cold, although looking back on it now she could certainly see how her view might have been distorted. Distorted, Natalie thought idly as the train traveled down the tracks, that’s one way to put it. Just like how all of these people can be dressed in coats and jackets when it’s so damn hot in this car. And that was the weird part; there weren’t all that many people on the train yet. It wasn’t as though everyone was standing pressed together hardly able to let the doors close, but instead the slight breathing and maneuverability afforded those few who got on at these early stops just outside the city.

Natalie’s body felt as though it was under a heating lamp, soft warmth spreading throughout her body. And yet, it’s pleasant feeling, almost artificial, she mused as she placed her hand on her forehead expecting to come away with sweat.

[“Are you alright Nat?”] Kitara asked reaching over to stroke Natalie’s hair gently. [“That’s probably the third or fourth time you’ve done that since we sat down.”]

[“Ya I’m alright,] Natalie said taking her hand off of her forehead, dry as it had been every other time.

[“Are you feeling warm? Because I feel like I’m in a sauna right now.”] Jasmine said, fanning herself with her hand.

[“Because you’ve been in soooo many saunas,”] Kitara said from the other side of Natalie.

[“Damn right I have,”] Jasmine shot back with venom, [“I enjoy wrapping up in a towel and soaking in that steam. But this,”] she said gesturing to herself, [“feels like it’s inside of me not outside.”]

[“Ya, ya, ya because you’re so hot, right?”] Kitara scoffed before sitting back in the seat behind Natalie so Jasmine was no longer in sight.

[“You said it not me.”] Jasmine said sitting up and rolling her shoulders back. Natalie watched as the buttons on the front of Jasmine’s blouse strained from the effort.

That’s weird, Natalie thought as she found herself staring at her friend’s chest. There’s no way that shirt was that tight all day. But then again maybe it was. Natalie mentally shrugged, maybe it’s laundry day for her. But she couldn’t help thinking, wouldn’t it be nice if that were happening to me instead of her. And she sat back and listened to the train along the rails, quietly dreaming.

“So far, so good Luna,” Hannah said turning back from the window, “There’s a couple people out there with some visible signs, but nothing to drastic yet.”

“Well that’s always a plus,” Luna said from where she stood in the middle of the car.

Hannah looked on at the woman who before had stood about the same height as she was, but now was closer to being almost a full hand taller. Considering the amount of energy inside of Luna, Hannah had to admit that the metering she was doing and the control her friend had was indeed admirable. But she is starting to lose some of it. I can tell by the small erratic waves she’s giving off compared to the normally measured dose.

Hannah looked down at herself and saw the effects of some of those waves on her own body. When she hadn’t been expecting them, or they were more frequent than she anticipated it was starting to take longer and longer to internalize the energy and command it forward into the train cars ahead of her. As a result she could see her enlarged breasts hanging plump on her chest, their curvature not something altogether foreign, just more pronounced.

She resisted a sudden urge to reach out and hold them, to feel their weight between her hands, to caress her nipple gently with her fingers before allowing Luna to use her tongue to – NO! Stop now! Hannah found herself shouting in her head. Her eyes finally focused on the fact that her hands were not where she remembered leaving them, specifically on her hips. Instead they were hovering inches away from her breasts like they held her hands in orbit with their gravity. No, Luna’s the only one who’s been big enough to have her own gravity around here, she mused.

With a look towards her friend, she saw that Luna’s eyes were still closed as if the woman was meditating, but noticed nothing had changed too much since her last lapse in consciousness. Hopefully these don’t become more frequent, but then again that would make this too easy, Hannah thought as she took a deep breath. Slowly releasing it she heard the train slow to a stop and the doors opened on every car but theirs. Taking one quick look back at Luna she turned towards the window and watched more people push into the next car.

Natalie watched as the familiar press of people grew denser and denser as the space between the common courtesy of personal space people often afforded to others soon began to dissipate. Natalie continued to feel as though she was lying on the beach during midday under the sun, but now she could feel almost itchy all over. Her skin felt more sensitive, making her clothes feel almost alive on her body as she felt every thread and loose fiber like a caress. She had taken to looking around rather than closing her eyes, because if I close my eyes I can’t help but focus on how damn good this feels.

So as her eyes traveled back and forth amongst the crowds she found her eyes drifting more and more to Jasmine and Kitara than she hoped either of them noticed. Whenever her eyes took in Jasmine she couldn’t help but focus on the bronze girl’s tight fitting top that just seemed to be growing tighter by the second. If I hadn’t seen her wearing that all day I would have thought she just shrunk it in the wash, but there’s no way it was that tight earlier, Natalie found herself thinking. But that wasn’t what really caught her interest. Jasmine had always had a great figure, but now that her whole body looked to be taking up every available inch of free space within her clothes. Which, to be fair was usually very little on a normal day, but right now even she looked to be uncomfortable. Natalie watched as Jasmine arched her back again and was shocked at just how much of her midriff showed below the hemline of blouse. Quickly Jasmine attempted to pull the shirt back down, but that only caused her to catch the top on her breasts which were also pushing heavily against the top, showing off much more skin than Natalie could remember her showing earlier that day.

Not wanting to be caught staring at her friend, Natalie swung her head casually to look again at Kitara sitting on her other side. Her friend was sitting as she normally did, elbows on her knees holding her head, as if trying to make herself take up as little space as possible. Natalie really knew it was to give her back a little break from holding up the girl’s relatively huge breasts, which coincidentally hung pendulously from her chest. Natalie found that she had to practically tear her eyes away from her friend’s huge chest, something she’d never really had a problem with before. Sure I find them fascinating, mostly because I wish I had some of my own, she told herself, but that didn’t distract her from the fact that even leaning like she was her breasts looked like they were inching ever closer to her knees. But that was the other thing that she’d noticed about Kitara today, the pants she was wearing looked almost like capris now. The short girl’s shins and calves could almost clearly be seen below the bottoms of her jeans.

Natalie was jerked out of her observations as the train car slowed to a stop, the waves of people shifting back and forth from the stopping motion. The announcement over the loudspeaker could barely be heard, but Natalie knew this was Jasmine’s stop. Turning to say goodbye to her friend Natalie caught a glimpse of Jasmine standing up and watched her shoulder her bag. The shouldering motion caused Jasmine’s chest to push forward and Natalie watched as two buttons rocketed off her blouse into the press of people in front of her. [“Hey Jaz, did you just lose a couple buttons on your shirt?]”

Looking down quickly, Jasmine sighed, [“Damnit looks like it. I really liked this shirt too.”] With a shrug though she waved quickly to both Natalie and Kitara, [“Gotta go though, girls, see you tomorrow.”]

With that Natalie watched as her undershirt struggled to contain her bouncing orbs that looked absolutely huge on her lithe body. The view was quickly replaced though as she turned and Natalie could clearly see the outline of her thong pressed heavily against the fabric of her pants. It looked like she had just barely squeezed herself into those pants and that even the slightest jostling would cause them to split along the seams.

But then she was lost in the crowd in the exiting crowd, which was quickly replaced by an equal if not larger number of passengers, and Kitara spoke up, [“Finally that bitch is gone.”]

[“Did she look bigger to you?”] Natalie blurted out.

[“Ya a bigger bitch than normal,”] Kitara said shaking her head in frustration, [“I swear she thinks the world revolves around her and her perfect body.”]

Shaking off the desire to press the matter of Jasmine’s attire further, Natalie said, [“Look maybe you should try to see things from her point of view. You know she’s not good at school work and her body is the only thing she thinks she has going for her.”]

[“That may be, but that doesn’t give her the right to belittle people just because they don’t look like her.”] Kitara sighed and sat back in her seat, [“What I wouldn’t give to be bigger than her in someplace other than my chest.”]

Natalie sighed too and closed her eyes, what I wouldn’t give to be noticed next to the two of you, she thought.

And was shocked when she heard a voice answer inside her head, I can help with that.

“Alright that should be most of the heavily populated areas, how are we looking Alex?” Kaito asked making a turn to keep along the train path towards the next stop. The two had been driving along near enough to the train for the scanner to pick up the progress of Luna’s slow release into the population. They’d been at this for almost an hour and so far Kaito was impressed he wasn’t seeing a Godzilla sized Hannah trying to take down an equally massive Luna because the plan hadn’t worked the way he wanted. Not that I wouldn’t mind seeing that of course­–

“Uh, we may have a problem.”

Kaito nearly slammed on the breaks in the middle of the road but caught himself before he did. “What do you mean ‘may have?’” He said hoping his voice sounded steadier than he felt.

“Well, I didn’t get specific training on this machine,” Alexander stammered a little unsure of what he was saying. “Luna just kinda ran through the basics. You know, like she would show up blue, because of her…uh, mutation I guess? And she said that most people would show up as white dots.”

“Alright get to the point Alex.”

“Well, as you can see…no wait never mind you’re driving, but pretty much the whole screen right now is white. And there’s the blue dot for Luna pulsing like normal.”

“Again Alex, get to the point.” Kaito said trying to keep the hurriedness out of his voice.

“Well it’s just that a red dot just showed up pretty close to Luna’s blue one and I don’t know what tha­– Woah, hey slow down, we’ll get arrested!” Alexander shouted in surprise as the car lurched forward at high speed. “Why the sudden rush?”

“We have to get Luna off of that train now.” Kaito said through gritted teeth. “Otherwise we’ll have made this whole thing worse.”

“I don’t understand, what’s the red dot mean?”

“Have you heard of the Furihara sisters?” Kaito said swerving around a city bus.

“Uh, no why?”

“Without going into details, this thing was originally designed by Luna to help track them.” Shaking his head again he grumbled, “How could I have been so stupid to think that they would be the only two to manifest that mutation when exposed.”

“Wait so this was designed to track them? So they must be pretty dangerous, why don’t we just call Hannah and tell her to get Luna out?”

“Can’t, no contact inside the presidential car with the shielding down,” Kaito said swerving around a pair of cars and nearly onto the sidewalk. “We have to make it to the station and manually extract them before this all goes south in a hurry.”

Alexander felt his face drain of color as he swallowed nervously, “So, uh, what kind of dangerous is this? I mean is this a life and death sort of thing? Because I tend to get squeamish–”

“So you know how I described Luna as a bucket that holds a whole bunch of the energy before overflowing?”


“Well, by herself Luna isn’t dangerous. Under normal circumstances it would take a while to fill a bucket with rain water if you just left it outside. But put that bucket under a facet and it fills up a whole lot faster.”

“So are you saying that this red dot is like an energy facet?”

“Yes. Only it never runs out of energy since the mutation gives the person the ability to make energy seemingly from nothing. And the more it makes the more it can make.”

Alexander’s eyes widened as he finally understood what Kaito was implying. “Then we better hurry.”

“What do you think I’m trying to do!”

Natalie opened her eyes and found that what she was looking at was no longer the bustling train car filled to the brim with people but instead a serene pool rimmed by green grass. Confused she looked around and saw that she was standing inside the rocky pool, water gently lapping at her toes. It wasn’t until she looked back up that she noticed where the sky should have been was nothing but bleak nothingness. No sun to greet her, no sky to show blue during the day, or even clouds, just dark nothingness.

“What else would you expect to see inside your mind?”

Natalie whirled around to the sound of the voice, the same she had heard earlier in her thoughts. Standing not a dozen paces away was a woman who looked almost exactly like Natalie standing next to what looked like a giant boulder in the middle of the pond.

“Who the heck are you and where am I?” Natalie shouted at the woman.

The woman cocked her head sideways, a curious look on her face that was quickly replaced by a smile and a giggle. “Aww you don’t know do you? That’s okay Natalie, I’ll explain everything to you but you should come over here first. That way you won’t have to shout so loud.”

Natalie involuntarily took one step before she could bring herself to stop. “No, you can tell me what I’m doing here now!” Natalie said shaking with what she was sure was predominantly fear, “And why do you look like me? Who are you!?”

“Oh little Natalie,” the woman giggled, shaking her head so that the streaks of strawberry colored hair within the blonde twirled about her face. “I’m you silly. I’m Tali.”

“That makes no sense.”

“Sure it does,” Tali said turning and gesturing to the sky around them, “this is what the inside of your mind looks like. I’m just here as a…well as a friend let’s say. Looking to help out another friend get what she wants.” Natalie still stood still, focusing hard on the woman calling herself Tali before Tali sighed and took a step towards her. “Fine if you won’t come over here I’ll come over there.”

Natalie stood frozen in place, some of her instincts telling her to run, but most of them unsure of what to do as this woman who could have been her twin began to walk towards her. Only something was off with her proportions. As the girl got closer, it appeared like she was getting bigger with every step. Not bigger everywhere, just taller, and it was then Natalie realized that the curvature of the pool threw off her perception of distance. Tali was much further away than she first thought, not a dozen paces but more along the lines of a couple dozen. And at that distance it was hard to determine her true size,  but Natalie had no trouble discerning that now.

Tali stopped a couple of feet away and Natalie found herself looking up at the girl’s belly button. “Wow you really are little. How do you go through everyday so short?”

Natalie shook her head stunned still as she craned her neck up to meet Tali’s face, “Me? Little? I’m tall back home.”

“Please, you’re practically a little kid.” Tali said gesturing with a huge hand to Natalie, “I mean there’s no curves there to speak of.”

That shook Natalie out of her awe of the giant woman, Like hell I’m going to listen to someone who looks like me make fun of my body, “Well it isn’t like you’ve got any more going on than I do. Even if you are close to three times my size.”

“Well that’s because you won’t come over to the spring and let me show you how to have fun.”

“Wait, what spring?”

“The boulder I was standing next to silly.” Tali said pointing back to the boulder. “I can’t move it by myself.”

Natalie had a hard time not laughing at that notion. “What help could I possibly be then?”

“Well, if you just let yourself go you’ll see.” Tali said with a devilish grin.

“I still don’t get it but I’ll come with you.” Natalie said as she began walking.

“Finally,” Tali said clapping her hands together, “I’ll explain as we walk.” And she began to walk towards the boulder, every one of her steps causing Natalie to take at least four or five to keep up. “I really don’t understand why you find this so complicated, you just have to want it and it’ll happen.”

“Yes you keep saying that but what am I wanting exactly?”

“You always say you want to be bigger.” Tali shrugged as though it was common sense, “so just do it.”

“You can’t just be bigger,” Natalie said looking at Tali incredulous. “How would I go about doing that?”

“You mean to tell me that you’ve been standing here in this spring the whole time and didn’t know why? Well, then why don’t we start with the basics. Focus on your walking, your footfalls in the water and try to feel the water against your skin. Feel the warmth it gives off and then imagine that warmth coursing through your body.”

Natalie looked up at the giant version of herself incredulous. She’s serious though, thought Natalie as she focused on her walking and her bare feet falling with a gentle slap against the rock and water. Guess it can’t hurt to give it a try, and Natalie closed her eyes, allowing herself to fully focus on the water and for the first time she realized that it was warm. almost as warm as what she felt on the train car. Breathing deep she was shocked to find it slowly spreading through her feet and up her legs. Within seconds she felt the warmth caress her thighs and she bit her lip slightly from the pleasure of it. She had to stop herself from putting her hands along her legs but once the feeling traveled to her waist and beyond she couldn’t help herself.

“You sure do catch on quick,” Tali mused, but Natalie still kept her eyes closed focusing on the warmth flowing through her body. By now it was reaching up into her chest, her hands groping her breasts and her nipples, waves of pleasure coursing through her body as she held a hand full of tit flesh in each hand. Wait a hand full? Natalie thought as the warmth still coursed but not nearly as strong once her eyes opened. When she looked down at her chest she was stunned, there were breasts in her hands. Not the flat ones she’d had all her life, but big ones, ones that would even give Kit a run for her money.

She spun to look up at Tali and noticed that she wasn’t there. Instead she found that she had to tilt her head down slightly in order to see the previously giant girl. “Did you shrink Tali? Why are you so small?”

“Me? I didn’t do anything, you just grew.” Tali said with a smile. “And in all the right places I might add.” Natalie watched as Tali, now about eye level with her breasts took a step closer and reached out to place a hand on Natalie’s newly formed breasts before holding back. “As much fun as this would be I’m afraid you’ve used up all the water, so it won’t get too much better.” Her eyes had a twinkle in them, “we could fix that though.”

“So this water made me grow?” Natalie said looking around at the now barren pool.

“No silly, this water is a metaphor for the energy that you have within you.” Tali said as she gestured to the boulder. Before the rock had seemed enormous, now it didn’t seem to be so intimidating at Natalie’s new size and she tapped the top of it with her finger.

“So we just have to move this and more of this energy will be available?” Natalie asked.

“Oh more than you can possibly even use yourself,” Tali grinned. “Although I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing you try.”

“Well what are we waiting for little Tali.” Natalie said with a smirk, “think you can help me move this rock? I want to be big enough to have you in the palm of my hand.”

“And I want nothing more than to see that happen.” Tali said grinning mischievously up at the now taller Natalie.

The two girls bent over and placed their hands underneath the rock and Natalie braced herself for the weight. With a heave she fell completely backwards as the rock practically jettisoned off into the nothingness. Gurgling water began to pour out from the hole beneath where the rock had stood and soon Natalie found the water covering her legs and feet from where she sat. “That wasn’t heavy at all. Why’d you need my help?”

“Metaphors Natalie, metaphors,” Said Tali with a smile. “Remember I told you to loosen up and have some fun? Well how about you let me show you how that’s done.” And the giant woman sat atop Natalie’s chest and kissed her deeply pushing them both underneath the ever rising waters of the spring.

The End

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